07 March, 2013

The nice guys

"And most  of these guys were not assholes and creeps,
but nice guys - the ones women always say they're looking for
yet at the same time never seem attracted to."
Neil Strauss - Rules of the Game

When it comes to approaching women I have a problem with insisting and pressing on. I met a lot of men advocating this "method" but I think there is a subtle difference in women that as time goes by seems more and more relevant. And that is:
The woman of the same nature with man but opposing sign vs. the object woman.
The former is like electricity poles or, better yet, magnetic poles - same nature but different, opposing, attracting signs. The latter is of different nature, somehow inferior; the partner presses it, commands it and disposes of it as of an object.

Thus when you approach a woman of same nature with you, she, as in a mirror, approaches you. You make one step towards her, she make one step towards you. There may be different style of steps. One bold, one subtle; one determined, one playful. But you can see and fell an echoing, and you can see inside her more and more as she can see inside you more and more. You make the steps not win over the distance but to actually see inside her better.

Whereas, when you approach the object-woman, she is passive, you have to press on and insist taking silence as an "yes", or more precisely - as a lack of a "no". She is not interested in anything of depth about you, and you turn out to be interested only in her body... As a matter of fact, with women very much on the object side you have the impression that she does not speak your language, nor negotiating a common language with you, but she is rather uninterested with what you say as with what anybody says - she is only looking for the tone of your voice and makes far fetched guesses... like a dog would; and sometimes like a cat would. And that may sound heavy handed and unrealistic, I know - it is; it is an extreme case helping me make a point. Imagine you being a great poet, a great philosopher, a great orator, or a great stand-up comedian for that matter, and talking to... the dog of your life... Wouldn't that be a shame?! Imagine you making only the most rudimentary jokes, because she lacks the cultural background or the intelligence or the general sincerity to her own self to understand any beyond that level. She might sit dull or she might laugh equally on everything you say without understanding and without being able to take it from there and grow it and feed you back causing amplification. Imagine how such a woman makes love, or sex actually; look at most of the porn industry and you will understand - and if you, as a man, are not bothered by that - well... I haven't got to the object-man yet.

The kind of man preferring the woman of same nature, will want to go in depth to know her, to be echoed by her and vice-versa. It's growing together, going in depth and feeling free to sometimes want something different that's at the center of the relationship. Even if it means ending it. They are aware of the other completeness as a human being  and also of their perpetual change. And they are aware of the greater them that they form when together. And are grateful to that gift. This may seem like when you are in love but I really think that it is a more permanent state of mind, that people focused on authenticity and reality, inner and outer, achieve more and more easily along the way.

The kind of man preferring the object-woman knows that one has to drive a woman, tell her what to do, disallow some of her behaviors and in general - forge her as one needs her. There might be an independence resembling respect as long as they are parted - the woman is "free" to go to beauty saloons, drive the expensive car, go shopping, play with the phone and take the dog out; he is free to be real busy and important, make money, give orders, fool around with other women. But when they are together and intimacy should occur the roles take an vertical axis - "you were free to do what you want, now you do what I want."

So what's the mater with insisting and pressing on ? If you need to do that too much with a woman you will probably end up in a person - object relationship. And I think the damage comes to both: The woman slides into the object position while the man slides into the inauthentic, lonely and cold power position.

And here it is the funny part: There's some kind of bug in human mind that make women look for men that can be mostly in power position, coldly eliminating all adversity and competition, even find competition where there is none. As if the world is a cruel and adverse place to live. And if it's not, well then you will create competition and a target for your cold blood - in your partner. That's your speciality and that is what you have been tested for initially, right?

I prefer to see the world more as a empathetic place, where we are connected to each other whether we want it or not. May you find the deepest joy and as Rumi says what you seek be seeking you.


  1. At a first glance I agreed with everything you said! At a second glance however….
    Let’s take a deeper look: you say that when you approach a woman of same nature as you, she as in a mirror, approaches you.
    Well… blatantly putting it: that is whish-full thinking on your part!
    Because you are assuming so many things! You’re assuming that she is free (to flirt with you), that her mind is right there in the present totally attentive to your needs, not thinking of anything else (like her own things she usually thinks about - choirs, work, and so on) . Either you think you are so visible that your personality instantly outshines anything else and pushes all the thoughts from a woman’s mind to oblivion
    Come back with your feet on the ground…
    And see that any aspect you show to the exterior world is not that mind-blowing as you whish. In fact, all our thoughts and ideas have already been thought and voiced out by our predecessors throughout humankind’s history. We are not by far as original as we wish, even though we are unique (and this uniqueness is perhaps what makes us so attractive).
    And the compelling example…
    If I told you that recently you were approached by a woman who had this intuition that you are of the same nature with her (and this is why she approached you), but you were so attentive to your own self (your own thoughts, ideas and to what you were doing at that time), that you didn’t notice her… what would you say about your theory?

    That woman…

  2. Nice... all the way to the last line. But you sound a lot like a friend of mine you know - a male friend :)
    Oh, and by the way - about the last line: That actually proves me right were you the woman you claim - we would just making steps towards each other, wouldn't we...

    (we have to meet some day - give you back the Saboteour I borrowed)

  3. Nice. This is getting weirder, stranger and better with each line.
    To be honest, at first I was a little appalled and maybe even hurt (in my feelings) by your remark that I sound like a male friend of yours. But then I thought that this really proves my point of view: that if you are approached by a woman that has the boldness, intelligence, courage and creativity to approach you in a different way, and yet be honest, you instantly suppose it’s a man! So much of a cliché!... And so much for the assumption about the woman and the man of the same nature… see… your response proves that if they are of the same nature, than it’s the nature of the androgynous archetype (the animus and anima of Jung) it seems, as you mistake me for a man!

    No, I am not a man. I really am a woman, and one that you’ve met and will meet again in the future.
    Now here will be a challenge for you, and an amusing part for me (also a challenge): I wonder if you will guess who I am in reality – if you will figure it out. Or if you will simply pass me by, in real life, not even having a glimpse… ?

  4. And your silence means...?

  5. And my silence means that my reply got lost somehow...

    It was written last night and it basically said this:
    "if you are approached by a woman that has the boldness, intelligence, courage and creativity to approach you in a different way, and yet be honest, you instantly suppose it’s a man!"

    Touche :)

    The future is near.

    PS: this post was meant to be a piece of a two part story (when I find the time, that is). But now I think I have an ideea for part 3 :) thanks.

  6. So, did you guys met, or what ?
