10 December, 2012

Such a simple and beautiful fact

This is what I get from science. This is what impressed me so much when I was young and participating in physics competitions. It was and is a genuine meditation on the essence of matter, the essence of universe, the essence of me, the essence of you and the essence of life itself.

And what I find amazing is that we all have a choice every and each second - to feel the greatness and the miracle or feel the flat, unimpressive fact. And we are right in both cases.
But happier only in one.

PS: It is like we and all life are the result of the feeble but long-term effort of the tiny, lifeless but omnipresent matter in the universe. We are it's children and it's success and it's glory.

02 December, 2012

Freastra deschisa spre Bucuresti

O singura fereastra. O singura zi. Cu o singura exceptie, o singura ora.
O infinitate de orase. Ca intr-un fractal, haotic fractal, oricat il inghesui in cadru, tot raman antiteze...
(clik on background for the bigger picture, then use the filmstrip at bottom
at the same time may click on specific small picture. enjoy! :))

Când să termin peisajul urban a tipat peștele

Tocmai voiam sa construiesc o poza cu poze din Bucuresti, cadre stranse, eterogene, antiteze, cand uite ce a iesit!

Nu arata a peisaj urban. Trebuie s-o iau de la capat :)

Update: peisajul s-a copt si el intre timp si e aici

01 December, 2012

How To Kill A Freelancer

Nowadays there are several solutions for freelancing like eLance and oDesk. This guy here takes you on a mini tiny drive through them. Web sites like these are a great aid to freelancing as you may know or could imagine. But there is another kind of organisms that grow on an ecosystem like that...

29 November, 2012

Obsesie de toamna pe Magheru

E frigulet si oamenii sunt grabiti pe Magheru lui noiembrie. Cate Sex Shop-uri sunt pe Magheru domnule... Trec pe langa o fata care cojeste (sau voi cum ziceti?) pretul de pe un sampon Garnier (pe bune ca pe eticheta, ca aievea vad "Garnier"; era si verde... ce mai!). Imi amintesc cat ma chinuiam sa curăț etichetele de pe cadouri si cum am abandonat asta recent gandindu-ma ca daca pretul nu conteaza, de ce sa consumi atata efort ca sa-l ascunzi.

"Îl faci cadou?" îi zic.
"Ce? A, nuu..."

Mi-am luat labradori!

Deci! Sa vedeti. Mi-am luat labradori!
Cand i-am vazut asa mici si rontunjori si crem cu batai o idee mai înspre cafea uneori, o idee mai inspre alb alteori am zis "Astia sunt! Pe astia ii vreau!"

27 November, 2012

A Flashback of an Industrial Unicorn

Warm night sea side, no moon, no people. There are fireflies in the bushes. And as you enter naked in the water, on your every move, and on every breaking wave you see another kind of fireflies - living in water, some kind of luminescent fito-plankton. And every gesture you make is a gesture of a magician drawing spells in the water, as the trailing water "fires up" and fades out.

To soft you say...