Warm night sea side, no moon, no people. There are fireflies in the bushes. And as you enter naked in the water, on your every move, and on every breaking wave you see another kind of fireflies - living in water, some kind of luminescent fito-plankton. And every gesture you make is a gesture of a magician drawing spells in the water, as the trailing water "fires up" and fades out.
To soft you say...
Ok, lemme think...
There's a lot of snow on the summit; a lot in the valleys. And we get down on our butts. And we go. Bare Bobsleigh, no bob that is. My backpack is to big and slows my glide. no problem - I move it in front, somebody ties it at my back as I cannot reach myself. Wait! I have no piolet - no breaks. no problem, i'll just use the heels of my Meindel. Uuuhaa, just fell the speed! Hey, but my backpack, was too tall down when I wore it in the back, and now it is too tall up when wearing it in front. I think I'll move it a little to the side so I can see a bit. My heels are constantly breaking so I don't get tooo fast. Did I tell you I wear glasses? Well, I wear glasses! And I am wearing them right now! And as I move the backpack to the side - a stream of snow produced by my heels is coming right in my face, and sticks between the glasses and my eyes - now I can't see anything, in any direction!!
Oh boy! just feel those bumps, something is changing in the picture, but I can't see it! And now everybody is screaming! Somewhere in front of me. No, wait, somewhere... under me.
Wow - I'm flying!!
Brace for impact :)
Arhhh! The snow is frozen and hard, the glasses fly off my nose, the cap off my head and even the mucus flies from my nose. My body aches as I lie crashed on one side. At least I can see now... If anybody could only help me untie my backpack from my chest...

You know, your first description, your first story almost matches perfectly on one of many dearest memories I have about nature's bewilderment. It's a memory of a dear time and place from the States. And the "fireflies" are called Ctenophores. It's an experience I am longing to live once again, but I didn't know where I can hope to. I've heard about stories and rumors told about our Black Sea... but I didn't hope to dare to even imagine it might be possible, let alone picture it out near Sulina (if I am not mistaken the picture is called Sulina? - it's the place where one can observe this phenomenon?). But if you say you've lived it... than I can expect to live once again that marvel of swimming in phosphorescent water? That each and every stir of the water will generate a wave of phosphorescent water around me? That waves will look not only as waves, but as light braking against the rocks on the shore? That you would swim in a hallo of light, with each and every stride? That when you get out of the water, even after some minutes, on your bathing suit, whenever you press your hand on it, thousand of fireflies come alive? Can this be true in our plain black waters of our Black Sea? When and where can I hope to find such an experience?
ReplyDeletePlease tell me! And I will be happy just to hope to!...